Class Nineteen: Chapter 1

8 min readJun 2, 2021


My Fictional Stories

Weynard’s School of Antics was the title of the high school Lester was obligated to enroll in by his loving parents. It wasn’t particularly the best in the world, but it was certainly not the worst. As from the rumors a short while ago, the school had a fair rating and the curriculum wasn’t half bad or too intense like some other competitive schools. Lester himself didn’t care much though. As long as he had somewhere to attend, there weren’t much of problems he has to deal with.

The school had to renovate their entirety to get along with the world’s everchanging technology. They had to adapt and survive among the other schools across the globe. It has been a long journey since then. By “then”, it meant how the world has shifted from its dull and dormant state to a land of increasing possibilities. Things started to change drastically. Space travel was not impossible anymore. Medicine had improved, and more diseases has been cured. Gadgets have been invented to support humanity. Technology advanced and our world was moving toward a utopian future. But still, it had some flaws as everything was yet to be perfect.

At Weynard’s School of Antics, it was easier to say that certain characters with unique properties, personalities and appearance that were once considered as strange creatures to the government were as common as finding a lily pad in a forest pond. It will be definitely suspicious for anyone to casually talk with Bigfoot, but in this period of time, it wasn’t so thrilling. But it was absolutely thrilling when Lester found out that his roommate at Weynard’s Dormitory was a talking lemon.

Lester wasn’t proud when he knew his parents had settled a full-on plan for his teenage life. While life in middle school was more peaceful, he knew something more exciting will arrive sooner or later for his high school self to experience. He had high hopes for what’s to come and left what was once called “Peace” to the depths of his past. While Weynard’s wasn’t accepting unsophisticated kids, Lester himself was as much as an average scholar. Despite the chaotic community he must deal with, he was just an everyday sixteen-year-old, who likes science and math as much as gardening. The world around him changed as if he wasn’t there to begin with. An only normal person who likes normal activities and hobbies with a normal number of friends in a not so normal world.

When Lester had applied for Weynard’s, he was neither excited nor nervous. His parents though, were both. Lester’s dad was a surgeon. His academics were through the roof, and obviously he would want his only son to be just as smart. Lester’s mom has many little part-time careers. She was an all-in-one package of a mom. A tailor, hairdresser, nurse, teacher, and a curious scientist. Although, most of the time she would be preparing dinner for her precious husband and son. Anyone who knows her life schedule well would think, “Damn, what a tough little lady”. Like her husband, she found Weynard’s to be a full-time training facility for Lester and expected him to be just as tough.

On the first day of school, Lester found himself in the front of the school gates as his parents just left him there to venture on his own. He noticed the big logo on the left side of his new cool shirt. It looked like the red-colored letters “W” and “A” attached together in bold serif font and the letter “A” had wings.

What a dumb design.

First thing in the morning, something has already flipped off Lester. He had it in his mind for almost all day like a splinter stuck in someone’s finger for a long time. Last night, he had to go through the mail the school had to offer. He was both infuriated and sleepy as he read it. It was like this:

Weynard’s School of Antics

Welcome and Congratulations New Students! We had hoped that you find this school to be helpful as well as entertaining. The teachers are ready to receive you as their students. The next three years, you will be in our care and we will do it with gratitude.


Weynard’s School of Antics Headmaster

Edna Pollen

To have the most fun and security, you must abide by these rules:

  1. You must wear the Weynard’s uniform at all times on school grounds.
  2. You must not disturb other classrooms and the teachers while they are teaching.
  3. Weapons, firearms and contrabands are not allowed and if found, they are to be confiscated immediately.
  4. Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking devices of all types are not allowed.
  5. Costumes, cosmetics and accessories are not allowed.
  6. Pets are not allowed.

The rules started to get a little odd from here and Lester was starting to sweat. He continued.

These specific topics are not allowed to be done or brought on to school grounds:

- All types of personal vehicles e.g. tanks, submarines, starships (Exceptions: Bicycle, Motorcycle)

- Explosives of all types, dynamites, nuclear warheads

- Artificial Blackholes

- Time-manipulating Gadgets

- Clones

- Portable Portals and Dimensional Rifts

- Gateways to Hell and Heaven

- Servants, slaves and minions

- Any Otherworldly Objects

- Dark and Antimatter

- Anything associating with dimensions higher than 3

- Any type of method relating to hijacking the school data

- Any type of method relating to damaging the school property and items

- Any type of method relating to murder or suicide

- Any type of Flying and Hovering

- Any type of magic

- Mind controlling

The list goes on for the next few pages. Lester noticed he was deceived by all the friendliness of the first section of the message. He was perplexed by how students could even pull off one of these. But none of that mattered, as he couldn’t even fold a paper plane behind a teacher’s back, not saying that he couldn’t pull out a Blackhole out of his pocket.

What a weird school.

Ironically, the list ended with:

- Sleeping in class

Lester knew he couldn’t do much, but to at least be aware of what these lunatic classmates of his can do. He went to sleep immediately like an exhausted office worker after attending a late-night birthday party as tomorrow was certainly an exciting day.

The first day of the year, and the first day of high school couldn’t be much better for Lester. When he arrived, he found himself glancing at the yellow-painted chinook landing on an area that seems like a court. A pair of young male twins exited and joined the group where most students were. Someone had intentionally brought a personal aircraft, and the school wouldn’t be so delighted to see it as it is listed as one of the things students shouldn’t bring to school, especially on the first day. As expected, an adult that seems like a teacher approached the twins and started to give out an endless lecture. One of the twins was frightened as the teacher had a whip attached to his toolbelt and his upper half body was a moose’s. Not to mention which detail was more frightening as it was controversial.

The herd of students were gathering there to listen to a grandma-like character explaining how much the school loves them or how the students should behave. Lester just stood there with the rest of the students who were lingering on the outer circle of the audience. He found himself sitting on a stone bench across from the stage where the potential headmaster was giving a patriotic, but monotone speech.

“Hey there, nutcracker” a new radical character popped out of the blue.

“You seem to be busy, wandering into your daydreams, nutcracker. What are you up to huh?” quizzed the cap-wearing dude who looked the most like a normal human, but with a devil’s tail.

What the flippers does this dude want? And why does he keep calling me that?

“May I join the ride, nutcracker?”

“Go ahead. And stop calling me that.” Lester annoyingly replied.

Lester moved aside and the let the pesky devil sit. The guy continued.

“The name’s Tray. I, uh, am incredibly lonely. Want to be friends, nutcracker?”

Looks like he has nothing to do, other than disturbing other people.

Tray has nothing to do other than disturbing people. For now. Lester knew he couldn’t stay alone forever. Either this particular guy was a caring schoolmate or a super villain’s grandson, it was better to at least have some connections.

“Sure, but stop calling me that.” Lester looked at the beautifully engraved patterns on the ground. The guy was like a cow listening to a twenty-episode podcast. He doesn’t have a clue that he should stop calling anybody by the name ‘nutcracker’ before his new friend straight-up throwing several irritating haymakers into his face, anyhow the dude was unquestionably lonely.

“I feel you, man. Listening to the old lady is quite boring. Kids ain’t gonna listen to some lame speech.” said Tray.

“Well, at least those guys are having fun.” Lester responded.

“I mean, they are just excited to enroll in such a wonderful high school. Wouldn’t ya think so too? We should be proud. It’s not easy to get into such schools.”

“Yeah, I’m proud, alright. Though, it’s so dang expensive and the ninety percent of the time, I’ll just meet clowns and psychos wielding their abilities everywhere. Can’t see a glimpse of any commoner anywhere.”

“Haha, I see. You do need to realize how much of a swan in murder of crows you actually are. One day, you might not become yourself anymore.”

Lester was more than confused. He tried to understand but left with regret. Maybe, he shouldn’t let this guy have a seat after all. Having seated for quite a while to converse, the headmaster Edna eventually concluded her speech. A moment later, another adult took over the microphone.

“Attention, attention, all students. In the next phase, we will arrange you into classes. Please stay around the area as I call your name for your attendance and class alignment. After that, we will distribute freshly-delivered Outlookers to whoever is present to receive it. Thank you.”

“Have you heard that the Sands brothers are attending here?” Tray began another topic.

“Oh, really? The incredibly smart, Ugly Kings, super-bad-at-jokes Sands brothers? I’ve heard of them.”

“Yeah, they were adopted by Weynard himself. It should be obvious how they could apply for such a superior school.”

“I feel a little sad for his wife. Miss Sands is such a lovely person.”

“I mean, everybody thinks like that. Weynard’s just filthy rich. I don’t think he cares about love at all. Anyway, I’ve heard that the brothers were pre-assigned to be in Class Nineteen, where the lunatics will mostly be staying. With that aside, everybody will do everything just to never get a chance to be there.”

“I hope I’m not the special snowflake among those goons.”

The students went one by one to the corresponding classrooms they were told. Lester and Tray sat on the bench in silence. Each had something to do before they get called to change their fate in the next three years. One was peacefully taking a sip of some water bought at the vending machine. The other was already assigned to Class Eighteen. Until that moment, the very expectation had occured.

“Mister Lester Enderbow, I repeat, Lester Enderbow. Class Nineteen.”

There goes Lester hopes. Maybe he was just unlucky. Or maybe god just hated his guts. All in the end, his life will certainly be a little adventurous from now on for quite a while.

“May we meet again, nutcracker. Here’s a useful tip for you: Don’t provoke them. I know what they are actually like.”

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Written by NotTheRealGun

Teenager. Philosopher. Programmer.

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