Why I Hate My World
Computoid: Me and My Curiosities
Author’s Note: I’m apologize for what you are about to read. It is very controversial and I mostly use only my emotions.
There seems to be so much problems in my community. It is pretty painstaking for us to take care of those problems or find solutions to solving them. They are like chains pulling the society away from peace. That’s what I think of my country though. The economy is just in flames while the education seems like unmaintained lecture systems. I see my nation in chaos right now. People just don’t listen enough. They are just selfish beings who try to get as much benefit as they want without considering the aftermath.
My high school experience to right now is just plain and bad. I wanted to live my life as much fun as I could, but I still can’t hide from the truth. There were bullies all over, ignorant teachers and unreasonable decisions made by irrational individuals which made me extremely depressed. Homework is not just work to test your skills, but just straight-up labor. Principals are rich dictators who does nothing, but sit around and play. Some teachers sincerely tried there best, but some behave like they own the students as slaves. Kids themselves are wild and uncontrollable. Some are monkeys and some are like fragile opaque bottles with pearls inside.
Well, I thought humans are intelligent creatures. It looks like there isn’t much intelligence in them to prove their worth. For myself, I agree that I might have done much things that might be naive or not within reason, but I’m sure that it is not done without thought. There is a principle that I always kept in mind.
“To see the world in peace. No savagery. No brutality. But a utopia for all.”
I think we could do better than this, but people are just stupid.